A handful of the items that went out
I’ll be honest, I didn’t get 42 bags. Not because I didn’t have 42 bags worth of junk to purge, but because life gets in the way of good intentions. But those 28 bags that did go out freed me and helped me feel lighter.
Oddly, one of the bags was to throw away glasses I’ve had since high school and college. Of all the junk that’s left the house, that is the only one I actually need now. For a school project, the kid has to dress like Ben Franklin…. and yep, one of the pairs of glasses that went in the trash would have worked perfectly. Sigh. Oh well.
Did you join me in this challenge? How did you do?
More purged items
If you missed it or didn’t do as well as you’d have hoped you’d do, I have another challenge for you. One I am going to partake in myself – smaller in some ways, larger in others:
Remove one item from my home every day for one full year. 365 items moved out of my way to allow abundance to continue to come into my life.
We start May 1st.
I’ll do my best to remember to photograph each one, but I know myself – I’ll miss a few. Follow me on Instagram and Twitter @Driftseed, hashtag #MS365Purge.
For those of you who asked me “why” during the 42 days, well … because:
Because I live in a house that is too large for the number of people that live there and it’s packed to the gills with stuff we neither want nor use.
Because other people can benefit from some of that stuff that has become junk to us.
Because it’s visually overwhelming.
Because the clutter makes the place seem dirty, messy.
Because it is clogging. It’s clogging the walkways, the closets, the storage areas, but most importantly – it’s clogging me mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
Because clearing this stuff from my house and my life makes room for new stuff, better stuff, and more relevant stuff.
If you are one of those that poo-poos that idea, come with me. Give me a month. Remove 31 items from your home and see if you too don’t feel lighter, freer, more blessed, and open to receive.
To quote Chuck Palahniuk: The things you used to own, now they own you. (Tyler Durden, Fight Club).
I’m not owned by these items anymore … but there’s those glasses we could have used for the first time in 20+ years…
Will you do it? Will you join me? Even for a few days? Try it. Give me one day a week, then move up to two, and so on. Then come back to this post and tell me how you feel. I’ll recycle this post a few times throughout the year to keep it fresh or link to it from update posts.
Come With Me ~ May 1st, 365 days…. you can do it. I’ll help. Well help each other. Let’s do this.
~ In Light & Love ~
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