And Then I Cleaned the Garage

Yes, I’ve been cleaning the garage when I should be writing posts for this blog… at least I’m writing posts for someone’s blog. Find me over at

The Power of Your Environment

What do you have in your environment that may be affecting you, right now? For me, it’s clocks. Lot’s of tick tock clocks. Read about it in my crosspost from Want...

Intentionally Unintentional

This week’s guest post written by yours truly for Intentionally Unintentional Find out more about keeping positivity in your life by clicking the link at the right.

On Preparing

I returned from a week of traveling yesterday. Came home a day early, in fact, because the weather was becoming ‘treacherous’ according to the weather folks. Watching news reports and seeing friends announce on their social media pages, you’d think...

New Customers Only

I don’t usually use this as a platform from which to vent, but a conversation in my Financial Freedom group got me a little fired up. The conversation was about cell phone bills. A woman posted a question about what everyone pays and for what service. As the...

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