From the chaos …

Change, change, everywhere there’s change. I am a fan of change. I know that sounds weird. After all, we are taught that change is scary and should be feared, right? We see articles and news posts, and memes all talking about how change makes us nervous and messes...


I blinked, and just like that two months were gone. Two months ago, a bit on a whim (If you’ve been here awhile, you’ll recognize this theme), we decided to sell our house. A multitude of reasons went into the decision and I am sure that I will write about them in the...

Cheap is more than money – Cultivating an abundance mindset

Your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions. What are your actions showing you? Do you have positive beliefs, abundance beliefs? Or do you perpetuate negativity? Maybe you aren’t even aware of it. Here are a few phrases I hear often. What is your...

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