Welcome to Tuesday!

Shew! It’s been a super busy and exciting last few weeks. It’s been a challenge to get into the rhythm. I am simplifying my life and freeing up time for the priorities I have, this blog being one of them. Stick with me! The good stuff is coming. What can you expect?...

Meal Planning

It’s meal planning day! (aka: who else hates going to the grocery store??) We all know we should meal plan – eat better, be more organized, save money…. But how many of us actually DO it?? I began meal planning a few years ago, sporadically. I found that, while I was...

Crazy Things People Spend Money On

In a lot of companies, Thursday is payday. Did you ever notice that the number of electronic sales flyers and advertisements increases on Wednesday and Thursday? In preparation for that incoming green.  Watch your email. The colors are bolder, the subject lines of the...

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