Opening the Heart through Sadhana

Sadhana. The Sanskrit word for “methodical discipline to attain desired knowledge or goal.” This discipline comes usually in the form of a spiritual practice. This spiritual practice is done to release our attachment to old habits, patterns, and less than desirable...

The Embodied Gratitude Experience

It is finally here!! The Embodied Gratitude Experience…. I have been working on this project throughout 2020. I am extremely excited to bring this to you FINALLY! I have spent the past few years researching the science behind gratitude, as well as the physical...

Are you worthy?

Once upon a time, I was taught to believe that I was unworthy.

Playing Small

For years, I was told I was “too intense” and that I should “tone it down a notch” and other similar statements from people who were uncomfortable with me being me. I am loud, animated. I talk with my hands. I have been asked, more than a few...

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