I know who walks with me

Recently two friends and I were discussing religion. Well … more spirituality than religion. But you really can’t have a discussion about one without the other or so it would seem. The following day in my social feeds was a link to an excellent, and I do mean...


It’s March and I am ‘marching’ into the future with bells on. Ha. Okay, so I’m not as funny as I wish I were, but that’s okay. It’s March and we’ve got a lot going on… I am hosting my first ever challenge, maybe you read...

Guest Blogging

In case you didn’t know, I guest blog over at MorningCoach.com. You can catch me there a couple of times a month. Usually I remember to cross post, but not always. Even if I do remember, you should check it out anyway. The blogging team has a lot of diversity in...

42 Bags in 42 Days Challenge

This week I fell into a Pinterest hole. I can usually manage a few minutes here or there, but this week I was sucked in. My creative brain engaged and I expanded my home project list, found cute valentines and selected crafts for the kids to do during spring break...

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