In Gratitude

I wake up every morning grateful. Grateful to be waking up in this world again. Grateful to have another opportunity to share my gifts, be of service and find ways to lift others. Grateful for another opportunity with my son, husband, friends, family. Grateful for...


  “You used to be amazing”  The words ring in my ears. Echoing over the weeks. Play on repeat at random times during the day. I wonder when I stopped being amazing. Was it slow? Like a melting. Or was there a specific trigger that ended my {formerly} amazing...


Recent events in my own family have me pondering the concept of legacy. Legacy not in terms of the material goods that we leave behind or even the traditions or other hand-me-downs. Legacy in terms of perceptions, how we are perceived by others and how we in turn...

Intentionally simple

I raise my head from my books and look around to see that an entire year is gone. Passed. In a flash. Not a bad flash, this isn’t a negative thing. Just an observation.  Life has changed so much in that past year. All of the plans and to-do’s I had at this time last...

Words Define

On a bright cheery morning as I scrolled through my social feeds, I came across a small post that was about changing the verbiage from “I am sorry” to “Thank You.” It went a little something like this: “lately I’ve been replacing my “i’m sorry’s” with “thank you’s,”...

Playing Small

For years, I was told I was “too intense” and that I should “tone it down a notch” and other similar statements from people who were uncomfortable with me being me. I am loud, animated. I talk with my hands. I have been asked, more than a few...

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