
  “You used to be amazing”  The words ring in my ears. Echoing over the weeks. Play on repeat at random times during the day. I wonder when I stopped being amazing. Was it slow? Like a melting. Or was there a specific trigger that ended my {formerly} amazing...

The next one thousand days

“The only person who can pull me down is myself, and I’m not going to let myself pull me down anymore.” – C. Joybell C. How did you spend your time in quarantine? Learning new skills? Cleaning a closet? Recovering from trauma? I … spent my time getting myself on the...


Recent events in my own family have me pondering the concept of legacy. Legacy not in terms of the material goods that we leave behind or even the traditions or other hand-me-downs. Legacy in terms of perceptions, how we are perceived by others and how we in turn...

We are the Elders Now

We are the elders now. This thought comes to me, not for the first time. We are the elders now. I am remembering my mom making cookies from scratch. Battering chicken for frying. Whipping mashed potatoes. Lumpy gravy. She never could quite get all the lumps out. We...

Are you worthy?

Once upon a time, I was taught to believe that I was unworthy.

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