Gratitude Challenge

One of the most expanding and enlightening activities I have ever partaken in was a conscious effort at increasing gratitude. I recently spent 21 days doing a daily semi-guided meditation with a friend of mine who was 5 states away for most of that time, and then an...

Values Assessment

We often hear about direction, focus, path. Finding our passion, living our ideal life. Lately, the buzz word has been “alignment.” But how do we get into alignment? Through our values. It is important to ask yourself, What values are important to me? What values...

The Choices We Make

Inspired by Bertha. My friend Bertha (who is actually my friend Jane’s sassy alter ego) recently posed a musing  on Jane’s Facebook page: “The only way to stick to a budget…whether it’s for time, money, or a diet…is to include things you love.” This musing...

The perfect quote came through my feeds this morning:  “Clutter isn’t just the stuff in your closet. It’s anything that gets between you and the life that you want to be living.” Peter Walsh So True. When I tell people that I am a minimalist, they often look around at...

Ring in the New Year

Do you have an end of the year ritual to close out the ending year and bring in the new year with focus and intention? I have done a ritual off and on over the years, revising it a little each year. I’d like to tell you about it and how I am doing it this year.  By...

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