Guest Blogging

In case you didn’t know, I guest blog over at You can catch me there a couple of times a month. Usually I remember to cross post, but not always. Even if I do remember, you should check it out anyway. The blogging team has a lot of diversity in...

And Then I Cleaned the Garage

Yes, I’ve been cleaning the garage when I should be writing posts for this blog… at least I’m writing posts for someone’s blog. Find me over at

And the purge continues …

I’ve been clutter clearing for weeks and the purge continues today ~ One giant bag to go to Goodwill, trunk packed with e-waste for a school recycling drive, and the kid’s crafting area consolidated into half it’s size with used up, dried up and...

Keeping the momentum going

Three weeks ago, I put up a post about being consistent and keeping the writing flowing. You haven’t seen it, but it’s been there. I’ve been here, writing. The challenge is, I try to stay positive. This is a place for happiness and growth. And the thing that happened...

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