Mar 26, 2021
I wake up every morning grateful. Grateful to be waking up in this world again. Grateful to have another opportunity to share my gifts, be of service and find ways to lift others. Grateful for another opportunity with my son, husband, friends, family. Grateful for...
Feb 22, 2021
Sadhana. The Sanskrit word for “methodical discipline to attain desired knowledge or goal.” This discipline comes usually in the form of a spiritual practice. This spiritual practice is done to release our attachment to old habits, patterns, and less than desirable...
Nov 19, 2020
It is finally here!! The Embodied Gratitude Experience…. I have been working on this project throughout 2020. I am extremely excited to bring this to you FINALLY! I have spent the past few years researching the science behind gratitude, as well as the physical...
Nov 11, 2019
As this day blooms with our first real snow of the year, I find myself seeking warmth and comfort on my couch with a giant mug of my favorite tea, at least this week, Numi Rose Tea (I do after all have a minor tea addiction). The mug, purchased as a gift to myself...
Aug 7, 2018
I am at it again! Spreading love and cheer and all things dear…. Anyway, Gratitude was mentioned in a post in a Facebook study group I manage. I asked the group if they would like to do an intentional Gratitude practice for 30 days and the answer was...
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