It’s Just, It’s Only …

It’s just $5, it’s only 5 minutes, I’ll only be a minute, it’s only one dollar more. We wonder why we don’t have more money, more time, more this or that, yet as I walked through a Craft market and then through the shop at an Apple...

Why Wait?

Cooped up in the house yesterday with an ill child, I spent a considerable amount of time cleaning, purging, reviewing, and the like. One of the piles I dug into was a two foot tall stack of magazines that have piled up because I had more important things to do and...

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.
Dalai Lama

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Day one of September – the start of the last quarter of the year

For me, day one of September was a flurry of activity. While others were out on boats and at beaches and playing with friends and neighbors, I stayed home – with intention. I chose this particular weekend BECAUSE no one else was going to be around, distracting me.What...

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