Fall 7 times, get up 8

This is one of my favorite quotes…. it reminds me that no matter how many times a wall crops up to meet me, even if I let it knock me down, I don’t have to let it keep me down. Success happens when you get up one more time than you fall down. Make it a...

Quotes by which to live your life

I don’t usually like to just re-post other people’s work without at least providing some commentary, some feedback, my view point. Today, I don’t need to do that. The original work is so powerful in itself. This morning one of my coaches read two...

Mini Irk ~

I’m fighting with an irritation today, an irk (I like that word) … lack of responsibility with wireless devices. I’m receiving an increasing number of emails from people with smart phones that have the words “from my {insert wireless device...

And the purge continues …

I’ve been clutter clearing for weeks and the purge continues today ~ One giant bag to go to Goodwill, trunk packed with e-waste for a school recycling drive, and the kid’s crafting area consolidated into half it’s size with used up, dried up and...

Keeping the momentum going

Three weeks ago, I put up a post about being consistent and keeping the writing flowing. You haven’t seen it, but it’s been there. I’ve been here, writing. The challenge is, I try to stay positive. This is a place for happiness and growth. And the thing that happened...

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