On Preparing

I returned from a week of traveling yesterday. Came home a day early, in fact, because the weather was becoming ‘treacherous’ according to the weather folks. Watching news reports and seeing friends announce on their social media pages, you’d think...

It’s Just, It’s Only …

It’s just $5, it’s only 5 minutes, I’ll only be a minute, it’s only one dollar more. We wonder why we don’t have more money, more time, more this or that, yet as I walked through a Craft market and then through the shop at an Apple...

Why Wait?

Cooped up in the house yesterday with an ill child, I spent a considerable amount of time cleaning, purging, reviewing, and the like. One of the piles I dug into was a two foot tall stack of magazines that have piled up because I had more important things to do and...

Quotes by which to live your life

I don’t usually like to just re-post other people’s work without at least providing some commentary, some feedback, my view point. Today, I don’t need to do that. The original work is so powerful in itself. This morning one of my coaches read two...

And the purge continues …

I’ve been clutter clearing for weeks and the purge continues today ~ One giant bag to go to Goodwill, trunk packed with e-waste for a school recycling drive, and the kid’s crafting area consolidated into half it’s size with used up, dried up and...

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